Monday 13 February 2012

Mum has a happy face ... again

We think it might be something to do with Jenson.  He and Mum got on so well that he went straight into canter when Mum asked and then kept going for a whole circuit round the riding school.  No neck strap, nothing!  Next week her teacher says that they might try some jumping :)

We are hoping that a happy Mum will mean that we get some more real worms tomorrow.  She went to get us some mash today and brought some back as a treat.  We are pretty sure that there were more worms in the bag than she gave us ... we hope that they haven't escaped in the fridge!

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

1 comment:

  1. You know there are more real werms Chickweeds - but you have to be good and ask nicely! x x x
