Wednesday 26 October 2011

Feeling the need for speed

Cantering, to be precise.  This is what Mum was doing today.  Still holding onto the saddle for dear life, but feeling it .... on Narnia, which was a bit of a surprise considering Mum's last encounter with her.  She is still stubborn (that's the horse, not Mum) but did show a bit more movement today.

Now Mum is relaxing with a glass of wine.  Which must mean that it is still half term.  So we are looking forward to some treats tomorrow.

Watch this space.  Mum tells us that she is doing more 'movement' tomorrow in the form of ballet.  This we have found extremely amusing.  And will continue to do so.  As Dad put it, you need to be graceful to do ballet.  Which Mum is not.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx


  1. You should try ballet little Chickweeds - that would be fun to watch!


    Lessons for you next?
