Thursday 20 October 2011

Do chickens commit corporate crime?

An interesting question.

One could argue that their poop might well cause an environmental issue, but since no-one has suffered as a result, this cannot be constituted as a crime.

Breach of contract could be one that they could be caught out on, however, with regards to egg production.  That said, since they have not actually signed a contract (they can neither read nor write, or verbally agree to anything), they cannot be held to ransom over this one.

I think it would also be quite difficult to prosecute chickens if any wrongdoing on their part was found.  I am pretty sure that they are all part of a union; and this means that they have some protection against prosecution.

You can perhaps tell that this is what my Extreme Sociologists have been studying today.  (Not the chicken bit, just the Corporate Crime bit).  (Although the chickens do tend to creep into my lessons on occasion).   (Not literally you understand). (That would be a bit unhygienic and inappropriate).

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