Wednesday 28 March 2012

Spoon's comment on The Apprentice

I've just seen a kettle with a bird on the end of the spout!  Shame it wasn't a chicken ...

Today they have to design a household gadget, which can be used in the house or the garden.  I am pretty sure that there are lots of useful ideas that they could come up with that would amuse chickens in the garden when their Mum and Dad are at work.  I bet you they don't come up with anything like that though :(

I don't think I would like to be on the girls' team.  There is definitely a level of bitchiness going on already and we are only five minutes in.  The faces on some of them!  Did I mention the faces?  The 'look, I'm sucking on a lemon' expression seems to be a common one this episode.

I'd like to be in the boardroom.  I think I would be able to peck at the others to get through to being The Apprentice.

1 comment:

  1. She had to go Spoon! You don't fall asleep on task - just like you don't fall asleep eating werms! x x x
