Monday 12 March 2012

How to get a wardrobe moving ...

... and a big smile on Mum's face!  She came back very excited today.  She was riding Narnia again, who as we all know is not known for her supreme speed (see 31/08/11, 28/09/11 and 26/10/11).  However, for some inexplicable reason, she found speed.  She also found what is known as a smooth transition from trot to canter.  She also found her feet and kept them in the right position.  She also got Narnia to keep cantering for more than just a few paces.  Without holding onto the saddle.  She really was very excited about the whole thing.  We would like to say that her singing for joy in the shower leaves something to be desired but we'll let her off on this occasion.

Hopefully she can keep it going.  The riding success, not the singing.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

1 comment:

  1. Good work Chicken Mummy - be in charge!! x
