Obviously this is not Mum, but this is what she was working on today, doing what she calls posh riding! She had Narnia again today and it seemed to go really well; even her instructor said she was showing off!
Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx
Now that I have your attention, I think it's fair to say that it is, in fact, impossible to train a chicken. However, it is certainly quite fun to try, and while you might think that you have actually trained them, you haven't, and they are simply responding to the rattle of the meal worm tub. If you are still interested, read on to find out the exploits of Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon .... and sometimes my own, with a few comments from the girls.
Posing indeed! Just like you do little Chickweeds when you have made an egg. x x x