Tuesday 10 January 2012

What is the meaning of 'Ms.'?

According to some of my students, it means that you are engaged.  When I explained to them that (a) it doesn't actually mean this and (b) I wasn't actually engaged, one of them got out of his seat, dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  Needless to say, I had to let him down gently, but it was a nice thought ..... he then offered his dad as an alternative.  Two marriage proposals in one day isn't a bad record, and it's not even Valentine's Day!

Oh, I had to turn the second offer down too.  Apart from not knowing the man, he is still apparently married to said student's step-mum ....


  1. The Chickweeds are single available girls? x x x

  2. Naaaah. They are too high maintenance and they are Daddy's girls anyway.
