Sunday 8 January 2012

What happens when you don't look where you are going?

Mum.  Morning.  Shower.  Which has a door on it.  This door slides to one side.  But if you don't check your footwork, or don't open the door fully, this is the result ...

No comments about her wrinkly feet please.  She has just had a birthday recently and is very old, after all.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

P.S. This is why we have a real advantage by not having to wear shoes.  If we did bruise our feet in the shower (if we took a shower) we wouldn't then have to force them into shoes accompanied by various expressions of pain.  Like Mum did this afternoon when she put her shoes on so she could come outside and clean our house and the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Worms between the toes and let the Chickweeds peck it better. x x x
