Monday 9 January 2012

Formula 1 Riding

Today Mum went riding again after her holiday break.  She was riding a new horse, and had a different instructor because her normal one was on holiday skiing.  She was riding Jenson ... who is now her favourite horse; sorry Bella!

She is enjoying developing her cantering ... the change to Monday night also is a great start to the week.

She did come to see us before she went out to tuck us into bed.  She says that she will come back from work in time to see us in the garden tomorrow.  Worms when you do please, Mum!

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx


  1. Did you press the right 'buttons'? x

  2. Apparently so; Jenson went into canter without me even really kicking and then got quicker and quicker!!!
