Tuesday 29 November 2011

What happens in the Central Business District?

Other than laying eggs, as the winter nights draw in, the CBD nest box becomes a place of sleeping.  For Fried.  And Spoon.  And tonight, for the first time (but I suspect not the last), Egg.  It's a tight squeeze for all three of them but cosy in there!

Therefore, this post also serves as a notice of intent to let a very fine roosting space in a deluxe Cube.  Any takers would need to share the Cube with Fried, Spoon and Egg, but since they seem not to be interested in the roosting bars any more, I might as well get something out of it .... interested takers please send a CV and covering letter of interest.

1 comment:

  1. There might be some 'future Chickweeds' interested in those bars.
