Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mum is in a bad mood

Well, not a really bad one.

Just as we all thought that the problem with the leaking hot water tank was done and dusted it turns out that where it was leaking, it was REALLY leaking and went all into the floor. This problem has only shown itself recently as the heating went on, and then all the wetness underneath thought it would be a nice idea to come up and out ... on the wall.

Thus there is a big machine in the hall making funny noises.  Mum says that it is called a deehoomidifyer.  Apparently it deals with things like wet.  What it can't do is sort out the floor so Mum might have to take it all up to dry it out properly.  We would be good at helping her with that because we could scrape it up with our feet.  If it is wet underneath then we might find some nice grubs or worms to eat while we were doing it.

We never have problems like that in our house.  Because it is all plastic when it gets wet it just dribbles off.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx


  1. Oh dear - this is not good at all. Maybe if we exchange Chickweeds for Ducks then the water might go?

  2. No ducks. All they will do is bring in more water and insist on creating a pond in the hall (in addition to the existing one that is underneath the floor).
