Friday 30 December 2011

Tournament of the Kings

The show last night was really good with some amazing horsemanship, the horses were so well trained and they had jousting and everything!  Interesting food; we took the veggie option because we don't eat chicken (for obvious reasons) so we had cheese ravioli; on a technical note, I don't think they had that in Medieval Times ...

All I can say is ... hussar!

Las Vegas is indescribable!

Where else would you be able to go on a rollercoaster ride (and almost look into your hotel window on the way), find the Eiffel Tower or a ceiling that wouldn't be out of place in the Sistine Chapel?  Or the Argo, pretending to be a pirate ship?!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Merlin - in real life

Tonight's venue for dinner and a show - at the same time .... Medieval jousting and stuff like that while eating a veritable feast!  It's going to be hilarious!

Viva Las Vegas

While the chickens enjoy their holiday in Malvern I have taken a small trip over the water and have arrived in Las Vegas.  I have now been up for about 500 hours and I am holding out as best I can until it is bedtime here .... good flight, did loads of school work on the way while the teacher sitting next to me slept a lot.  The flight over the Grand Canyon is booked ... for my birthday.  More when I am a bit Compus Mentis (or whatever that is in Latin...)

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas with the folks

While the chickens spend time with others of their kin, I did the same.  A lovely traditional Christmas with the folks involving roaring log fires, the Queen's Speech, church on Christmas morning and completing the big Times Cryptic Crossword.  All presents to be opened after the Queen's Speech, of course, not that there was much room under the Christmas Tree ...

Yes, it really is that small.  And goes out in the New Year, in the pot, to grow a little bit more for next Christmas.  

Also included is the traditional pud, brought to life with some very fine Cognac or Brandy; something like that ...

This followed some very nice fish for Christmas Dinner.  The folks don't do meat ...

Friday 23 December 2011

Mum is very excited

Chickens on holiday

There will be no posts from the girls for a while.  They went on holiday today to their favourite place in Malvern.  They were checked over again by Auntie Sarah; Fried was complimented on her new feathers and Egg and Spoon were told that they were 'big' girls - that's not to say that they are fat, it's just the breed and they are well-loved and spoilt.

Last year when the girls went, everywhere was covered in snow and their water pipes had frozen.  This year, there was no snow and all the water seemed to be coming down from the sky and made the ground very muddy.  They were very excited at the prospect of eating grass and tucked in to it straight away. 

More from them after Christmas!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Can chickens jump?

Yes.  If there are some tasty titbits to jump for.

Actually we are asking because that's what Mum said she did today.  Without there being any titbits to jump for.  We don't understand that.  Is she saying that she just jumps for the sake of it?  Without any reward?  She tells us that the reward is doing it.  Mad.

This is the only picture that we could find that looks like the jump that she went over today.  It's not really a very big jump.  But it is a jump.  Obviously this is not her (she doesn't have an outfit like that).  And that is not Bella, who she was riding (Bella is white).  And she was not outside or in America like this picture (she was at Summerhouse, inside with it being very dark outside).  But it does look like she did when she was jumping (at least she tells us it does).

Apologies to the person whose picture we borrowed but it really was the only one we could find.  We looked for ages.

Well done Mum!

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Three Wise Hens

We were just practising our Christmas Special dance routine when Mum came home

Look at me and my lovely new feathers - I am very proud of having a warm tummy and bottom again

I forgot my moves - what am I supposed to do next?

If I breathe in perhaps no-one will notice me behind this tree

Festive Greetings!
Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Saturday 17 December 2011

You know it's Christmas when ...

... the special double bumper edition of the Radio Times is out.  Family tradition ...

Time to get the highlighter out to mark what I want to watch!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wheezy Mummy

What with a sniffly cold and riding horses and nearing the end of term, Mum is a bit wheezy tonight.  Still, she has a smile on her face and only two days to go until the end of term :)

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Mum had a doctor's appointment today so was able to see us in the morning before she went.  And what a treat!  Realworms!  Wiggly ones.  Lots of them.  She gave them to us after she moved the playhouse from the middle of the decking to the side where it is supposed to be after the heavy rain and wind last night again.  She tells us that she might be giving it away to some human chickens that appreciate it more than we do.  It will give us more decking to poo on ...  It was cold again tonight so we all shared the nestbox again.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Sunday 11 December 2011

If the chickens could have pets ...

... they would be ...

Well, OK, they would be Mum's choice really.  But we think that they would be quite cute and would be about the same size as us and we could all run around the garden together.

And Dad, they are dogs.  Not rats.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

How rainy is it?

We are now nicely tucked in our bed (we are all sleeping together in the nest box again tonight).

Mum just got wet :)

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

How rainy is it?

Well we did want to stay out a bit longer so that we could poo on the freshly cleaned decking but it started raining really hard and so we have had to spend a lot of time sheltering under the Cube instead and now we have decided to go to bed.  We are waiting for Mum to come and shut us in but because it is still raining she is sheltering in the house.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Thursday 8 December 2011

How windy is it?

I think I have discovered a new type of wind gauge.  Forget those cups that whizz round on a pole as the wind gets stronger.  Instead, let me introduce the 'playhouse windometer'.

You may remember that the last time it was very windy the playhouse scooched across the decking, down the steps and onto the patio.  This time, a new direction was taken (presumably because the wind was in a different direction this time).  On this occasion it moved UP the garden, turned on its side and landed in between the buddha lights.  I have left it there for now, and will move it back to its normal position at the weekend.

You will be pleased to know that no chickens were harmed during the use of this new piece of equipment. They were all tucked up in bed when I got home.

Others may have also come up with similar ideas for new wind machines.  I know for a fact that one of the blokes down the road reckons that his 'shed roof wind rater' is an excellent wind gauge.  He spent a few hours today trying to get the roof back on the shed :) so it might just be a bit too much hard work.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

We've found our ideal Christmas decorations

... the only problem is that they are in America.  And whichever way they get to us, they are a bit on the costly and large to transport side.  And, if we are completely honest, we are likely to peck at them or poo on them.  Thus in America they will stay ...

But they are cuuuuuuuuuuute ... aren't they?

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Monday 5 December 2011

Two trees ... seriously?

OK, the other one is at school.  Tomorrow is the day that the other tree goes up in the classroom.  Probably along a pink theme as last year ... What we want to know is why people don't design chicken Christmas decorations.  We think they would be awesome.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Saturday 3 December 2011

There are other birds in the house ...

... but we'll allow it because they are not real and they only come out at Christmas.

We are looking forward to helping Mum wrap the presents.  If we get bored, we'll just eat the paper.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Friday 2 December 2011

Why are there twinkling lights in the window?

We think that there is a strong possibility that Mum has put the Christmas Tree up tonight.  Not only were there the sounds of what seemed like a Christmas movie coming from the house, there was also the tinkling of bells and the rustle of tinsel.  We are still waiting for her to provide some nice sparkling lights for our house, but in the meantime we look forward to spending some time with her at the weekend.

We have also noted the dryness of her shoes when she comes out to see us.  We can only conclude that the floor of the house is now DRY.  Everywhere.  Which is a good thing; that funny machine in the hall will go soon.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

Thursday 1 December 2011

Wot no interesting post from Mum?

Mum had Parents' Evening tonight.  So when she got home she had a cup of tea and then went to bed.  Hopefully she will be back tomorrow with something interesting to say.  Probably about Christmas Trees, knowing Mum.  We think that she might be planning on putting one up tomorrow night.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx